Tuesday, June 18, 2013

shongs of mine

holla..im currently searching for a job rite now..hikk...getting nervous since my contract going to be end soon..oh myyy....n suddenly i thougt i rarely talk in english n my english skills really2 bad huh...what to do..my environment doesnt need me to talk in english that much..i only have to talk in english with my boss but my boss doesnt talk so much with me..she only said....'morning zurina...have u taken ur breakfast n i will reply morning miss khor,yaa already'...hahahha..repeatitative sencentes...hahah...i hate myself when somebody talk in english with me n i cant reply it eventhough i know what shud i replied..hahah..maybe i gud in writting but not verbally..hahaha

so back to the topic..ahh tuka bahasa melayu plak haa....hahaha....i love MUSIC so mucchh....i love songs...xkesah la lagu ape mst aku ske..walaupon at first aku xske lgu 2 kalo byk kali dgr mst aku pon leh ske lagu 2..hahahah...n ALLAH gives me gud memory i think...aku cpt tngkap kalo tang2 lagu ni..hahaha..lirik pon cpt jek aku dpt sbb at first aku akan nynyi ikot ske pastu ble da tau lirik die bru aku tergeliat lidah nk nynyi btol..ahaha..currently, i am soo addicted to "kita" by forteen..hahaha..aku dgr byk kalii smbil senyum2 nynyi sbb teringat2 muke izzue islam tgh nyanyi..die nyanyi smbil senyum kottt...henseemmmmnyyeeee laki org :(..hahaha sooo name pon ske nynyi knn, aku ske karoke...hahahah...dulu aku la org yg pndang serong kalo aku tau org g karoke nii..yelaa org xpena pg knn..hahah..pastu ble da pg aku la mcm xde keje lain tekinje2 nk pg jekkk...hhaha...aku rindu korang la rakan2 baik akuu...dayah,syira,fasyaa....korang ingt x kalo meroyann jek mst nk g karoke...smpai addict pastu smpai malu nk byr kt kaunter 2 sbb org cashier 2 da kenal ktee..hahah..holla abg cashier karoke kt jj melaka..lame xjmpe knn..hahaha...jum la jmp korangg...;( dpt spend time 2hari wat xtvt kte dulu2 kt melaka kn bestttttt.... :'(.......lagu2 wajib kalo g karoke n kalo aku dgr lagu ni mst aku ingt korangg...

1) DAYAH-akk jiana jenn dieee.....hahaha...setiaku disini..hahaha..aku ingt lg aku overtake lagu ni kt ko knn..hahah..sorri laaa lagu jek aku overtake..bf/laki ko aku xovertake...ngan lagu amelina.semakin rindu semakin asyikk...awwww..kihkihkih...kalo g mst ko xtau nk nynyi lagu ape pastu mst ko plh lgu jiana jen..hahaha

2) FASYA- hahahaha...ni minah dangdut klu time karoke..hahah...fasya mst plih lagu yg 'kiri duri kanan pon beduriii arah mana kemana hendak hamba tujukan'..hahah apetah lagu ni xingt....hahaha...pastu goyang inullll....pling besttt...pastu bete..hahahaha....aku rinduuuuu nk dgr fasya nynyi ngan gediks die time 2..hahaha

3) SYIRA-haaaaa in dak kecik aku...die kalo nynyi stok lgu lame yg aku xpena dgr ponn die tau..hahaha...so kalo sedap mule aku addict...slalu gak die nynyi lagu ct-bisakah...ngan lepaskanmu kerana terpksa..hahaha...ade few songs yg die nynyi aku xingt da..hahaha...to dak kecik, i hope every pain worth happiness in future...as i said to u, always be with your family, please sabar byk2..i know its hard since i had experience like that before n dont forget u always have me to cry over kehh...once u had ur normal life back, kte kua ehh..siyess aku rndu ko dak kecikkk....da lame xkena sakat ngan ko,kene buli..harap jek kecik tp ske buli org..blom lg ko gelakkn aku sekuat ati ko knnn..hahaha how i miss all that so much.. :(

friends doesnt need to be by your side during happiness or sad because sometimes we need a space to handle it....just having understanding friends will make u glad n think that ur lucky enough to have them....aku tau aku ade korang kalo aku sedih,susah,lost or heppy....tanx for everything..sorry for any mistakes i had done to you guys...well, aku tau aku ni temper xmenentu,bossy,hahaha...tp korang layan jek...yg slalu jd mangse dayah la...pg klas blk klas mkn asik bekepit jekk..hahaha...wat esaimen pon nk kene gak gado n las2 ko la yg mengalah kt aku kann..asal ko mengalahhh..hahaha..aku ni annoying kn???haha..sorry beb, ko kn kakak..kakak kenela mengalah ngan adik kn3 :p

time kasih anta aku blk umh mase aku semput..anta aku g klinik....tenkiuu..jasa korng aku ingt smpai mati..huhuk..kalo aku mati doakn aku tau2...hehehe

to her..thank u sbb jd kwn aku for the pas 41/2 years..its not easy to forget u...mmg aku gado n aku pena ckp aku xkn kwn ngan ko lg tp as i said, its not easy...ko byk tlg aku mase kt jengka dulu..mase aku sakit..ko yg bgn teman aku pnggil rs, anta g hospital tgh2 pagi ble xde org lain yg bgn..ko yg bgn...tenkiu...mmg aku xdpt nk bls jasa2 ko..smpai mati aku ingt....tp kalo lebih baik ko kurangkn sikap tnggi ko n stop bluffing others, putar belit cte kn lagi baik..just be urself..org xpndang rendah pon kt ko kalo ko mngaku dok ceruk mane pon...n being kl girl bkn la hebat mane...just b urself..accept that kte bkn org kaye pon..org bese2 jek same cm org lain...xsemstinye org yg dok kl kaye megah mewah dsbnyekn....mmg aku slame ni caye jek ape ko ckp coz i dont care anything..huhu my bad...aku tau aku salah ble nk kwn yg faham aku tp aku xpaham kwn aku 2...that incident, mmg salah aku interfere ur problem but ur problem is, why its so hard 4 u to agreed n bravely said that yes i had talk like that to them..n make it clear s0 that people dont misunderstood..huhu..bnde da lpas..eventhough u did mention to somebody, takkn nk tnggu final bru nk mtk maaf atleast b4 final lg aku ade msg ko tny knape n say sorry bcoz bnde tu xpttnye jd bahan tok kte gado.. bkn skali aku msg but 2x..tp ko xreply pon..ble jumpe ko buat xnmpk,xknal aku tp nape kene tnggu amek mase bru ko nk tego pastu end up tros xkwn..losing a friends its not a happy story, people create as many friends as u can not ending the frenship with friends...but again, bnde tu jd gak n u didnt reply me n put the blame on me..mcm aku plak yg create bnde 2 so that ble jd cm2 bia  ko xde kwn....yes aku mmg salah sbb aku mmg nk lari dr ko dr dulu lg....tp lari bkn bemaksud xnk kwn..aku just nk kurangkn kebergantungan ko kt aku...aku pon xrase kte akan jd kwn lg..enjoy ur life..have a blast one...aku doa ko berjaya dunia akhirat n i heard u will getting married soon, barakallah..be a gud wife..aminn...

**why suddenly i become so emotional huhh???

akk ni da tau plak aku tulis blog..hahaha..sape suh semangat ketuk ketak menaip knn...die ingt aku ade keje..kahkahkahh

byee....enjoy ur life uollsss....


  1. Menitik air mata terkenang adik sayang... kah3!

  2. puihhh lAAA..tetbe plak teringat kt die..danggg
